Jun 27, 2016

Sketchbook Project - Week 25

This week I truly felt pressed for time to finish most of these pages. We moved on Thursday, which was incredibly HOT.  Add the heat to the giant hill that is our current driveway and you'll get pure exhaustion.  We are settling in, though, and still unpacking.  Only a few boxes left to deal with at this point.  I'm feeling very spoiled with all the space we have moving from 600 sq feet to double that.   I'm dedicating one and a half rooms to studio and office space, and it's glorious!

My sketchbook pages this week are reflections of each day, from our UHAUL arrangement and the blaring red heat, to a great horned owl (feather) we heard our first night here. I hope you enjoy them!

Check out previous weeks here.
Colored Pencils
Left:Micron Pen and Crayola Marker                     Right: Watercolor
Colored Pencil
Acrylic Paint

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